Our urgent projects cover three needs:
- Good education for strengthening the cooperation of christian and muslim kids!
Good education is needed for a better future in Ghana. Emigration is gathering in schools of the kingdom Godenu, which are accessible for Christian and Muslim children in the same way. A modern, multi-storeyed schoolhouse was build, financed from by Saudi money. The children, who are willing to attend classes, have to be Muslims and learn the Arabic language. The duty of covering in Arabic traditional clothing is concerning all of the girls. For the future of Muslim and Christian students in the jungle-village Avega in the region of Volta we need:
The finishing of a stable fundament, which is the basis of the new school. In the meantime, provisional walls were build. The aim is the construction of fixed rooms, so the classes can be independent from weather and can take place in the rainy season too. Currently, the main issue in times of the final work-up phase is the sanitary setting of the new schoolhouse. Our aims are high-flying – but convertible with your support.
Six new classrooms: The school in Avega is in need of new rooms for each one of the six primary school classes. In this way, the classes should be more attractive to the students. The construction of a new and weatherproof school building costs about 7.500 euro. - Clean water toilets:
At the same time, the existing Christian schools are suffering from constructional defects and unworthily hygienic conditions. A hole in the ground is used as a toilet. The students are forced to hunker down on a crossbar. Children are falling into these holes consistently, which is very dangerous, because they can be infected with diseases like cholera, dysentery or typhus and hepatitis. For this reason, many of the parents are worried and wanting their children to attend classes in the new Saudi-school.
New sanitary facilities: Working toilet facilities are essential and protecting the students from dangerous diseases. The finishing of overall 15 toilets (water supply, electric pumps, toilet bowls, wash-handbasin) costs for each of these 750 euro. The families on their own have already built the sinks. - The water supply by wells!
Help Godenu is building a well, because a secure water supply is a precondition to a working primary school. The overall costs (drilling, water pump, two water tanks) are about 4.500 euro.going to build.
SUMMARY: We are in need of:
- at least one well – 4.500 euro
- 15 clean und hygienic sanitary facilities – each 750 euro
- six classrooms, to guarantee a training school for the students – 45.000 euro